My commitment to jesus christ: step 1
Making a commitment to Jesus Christ is the first step in becoming a Christian. When one makes this commitment, it is a commitment that Jesus is both Lord and Savior of your life. He is Savior because you believe he has saved you from your sins. He is Lord meaning that you no longer are your own. You now belong to Jesus Christ and He holds complete oversight of your life.
Is this true for you?
I believe that Jesus Christ is my personal Lord and my Savior.
I look to Him as the One who died for my salvation and for the forgiveness
of my sins.
I look to Him as my Lord for the sole leadership of my life and for the promise of eternal life with Him someday.
When you make this commitment you become part of the family of God. You are now a follower of Jesus and God's Holy Spirit comes to live within you to grow you from the inside out to become more like Jesus. With this you are assured that someday you will live with God in heaven.
Baptism is a way to show your inner commitment by an outward act. As one is washed with water, it symbolizes the dying to one's old self and becoming new in Jesus Christ.
My commitment to be a part of crossroads: step 2
Having become a follower of Jesus Christ and having been baptized, the next step is to become a part of a local church where you commit to growing spiritually and serving in Jesus' church.
CrossRoads Church believes that there are certain things that are key to one's growth in Jesus. While no one has fulfilled all of these 100%, we ask that members of CrossRoads make a covenant with God to build these six things into your life that will both help a person grow spiritually as well as grow Christ's own church at CrossRoads.
To become a member of CrossRoads, can you affirm the following and commit to incorporating the following six things into your life?
Having received Christ as my Lord and Savior and been baptized, and being in agreement with CrossRoads Church at Westfield’s beliefs, purposes, strategy and structure, I now feel led by the Holy Spirit to unite with the CrossRoads Church family as a faithful Member. In doing so, I commit myself to God and to the other members to do the following:
- Attend worship regularly,
- Engage in regular prayer for the church leaders, participants in the
congregation, and people in need everywhere,
- Participate in the life of the congregation through involvement in a small group,
- Be regularly involved in a serving ministry at CrossRoads,
- Participate in at least one mission project of the church per year, and,
- Give generously to God through CrossRoads Church proportionally to my income with a tithe as a goal to meet and exceed.